Small Business Consulting

Our team of business consultants can assist in everything from using social media effectively, introducing you to lenders, writing a business plan, and more.

Oakland Thrive, formerly Business Forward, is composed of business experts and consultants with a deep understanding of Oakland County’s business climate and decades of combined experience with the challenges of small business, growth into large global entities, and the limitations of government. 

امرأة مسنة تسلم صينية من النباتات لرجل مسن ، كلاهما يبتسم

We work with entrepreneurs and small business owners to provide free targeted support including one-on-one consultations, training, and workshops in business development, market research, eCommerce, legal support, accounting, and more.

Oakland Thrive exists to connect Oakland County’s entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources they need in order to be successful. We partner with local business service providers, chambers of commerce, and other known economic support organizations. While Oakland County has a great many programs and organizations that support community and economic development, too often small business owners are unaware that these resources even exist. While Oakland Thrive exists to help all of Oakland County, special attention is given to underrepresented communities and minority-, woman-, LGBTQ- and veteran-owned businesses. Oakland Thrive services previously fell under the county as a government initiative.

Small Business Consulting

Oakland Thrive is composed of business experts and consultants with a deep understanding of Oakland County’s business climate and decades of combined experience with the challenges of small business, growth into large global entities, and the limitations of government. We work with entrepreneurs and small business owners to provide free targeted support including one-on-one consultations, training, and workshops in business development, market research, eCommerce, legal support, accounting, and more.

صورة لمجموعة ذكور من عمال الأعمال الصغيرة السود السعداء يضحكون على باب مشتل نباتات حضري يرتدون مآزر في دالاس
امرأة مسنة تسلم صينية من النباتات لرجل مسن ، كلاهما يبتسم

Oakland Thrive exists to connect Oakland County’s entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources they need in order to be successful. We partner with local business service providers, chambers of commerce, and other known economic support organizations. While Oakland County has a great many programs and organizations that support community and economic development, too often small business owners are unaware that these resources even exist. While Oakland Thrive exists to help all of Oakland County, special attention is given to underrepresented communities and minority-, woman-, LGBTQ- and veteran-owned businesses. Oakland Thrive services previously fell under the county as a government initiative.

Oakland Thrive exists to connect Oakland County’s entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources they need in order to be successful. We partner with local business service providers, chambers of commerce, and other known economic support organizations. While Oakland County has a great many programs and organizations that support community and economic development, too often small business owners are unaware that these resources even exist. While Oakland Thrive exists to help all of Oakland County, special attention is given to underrepresented communities and minority-, woman-, LGBTQ- and veteran-owned businesses. Oakland Thrive services previously fell under the county as a government initiative.

purple thrive v
التقدم بطلب للحصول على الخدمات

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Small Business Consulting Services

Oakland Thrive offers a wide array of free or low cost resources supporting Oakland County’s entrepreneurial economic ecosystem.

Business consulting

مستشارو الأعمال

Oakland Thrive can connect you with consultants who will work one on one with you to help strategize, implement your business plan, and more.

Event Social Posts (1)

الموارد البشرية

يعد جذب المواهب وتوظيفها والاحتفاظ بها أمرا أساسيا للنجاح. يمكن أن تساعدك Oakland Thrive في مشكلات التوظيف والامتثال لقانون العمل وتحديد مزايا الموظفين والمزيد.


المقاولات الحكومية

If you’re interested in doing business with the government, Oakland Thrive has expert partners who can help you properly register, look for opportunities, and provide aid with government contracts.

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التدريب وورش العمل

Oakland Thrive offers a variety of training and workshops on subjects pertinent to the small business owner and entrepreneur.

تحقق منها هنا!

الدعم القانوني

From business contracts to patents to commercial real estate and more, Oakland Thrive can connect you with the business legal services you need.

ملاحظات على الحائط


Oakland Thrive offers financial support services for small businesses covering bookkeeping, financial analysis, financial literacy, growth projections, and more.

الأيدي الكتابة على جهاز كمبيوتر محمول

التجارة الإلكترونية

Whether you’re setting up a website for the first time or already have an established web presence, Oakland Thrive can help you market and sell your products and services online.

رجل يضع الميزانية على ورقة مع أكوام من النقود حوله في أكوام


Oakland Thrive can help you find potential funding sources for your needs, understand different types of loans, identify grant opportunities, and more.

أب مع طفل في حضنه ويقرأ من كتاب

شركات رعاية الأطفال

Oakland Thrive will work with your childcare business to ensure that you’re growing, connecting to resources, and developing a sustainable business.

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شخص يتكئ على الحائط ويكتب في دفتر ملاحظات

أبحاث السوق

Oakland Thrive can help your business build a digital presence to help you increase sales.


التسويق الرقمي والإعلان

Oakland Thrive can help connect your business with expert advice that can target your desired market and increase your visibility in the marketplace.

شخصان يتحدثان وينظران إلى ورقة بها معلومات

خدمات ترجمة اللغات

Oakland Thrive offers language services so that you can meaningfully connect with your customers and understand their needs.


Hospitality Services

Oakland Thrive has a dedicated expert in the food service industry to help your business grow.

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استمع إلى ما يقوله عملاؤنا.

Oakland Thrive has a track record of success when it comes to helping small businesses in Oakland County by connecting them to the resources they need to thrive. Businesses that have benefitted from connecting with Oakland Thrive include:

غلوريا ن. سميث وتارا سميث، مالكتان مشاركتان لشركة توتال جلامور بيوتي سبلاي في ساوثفيلد

When Total Glamour Beauty supply opened in 2021, business was slow. Our consultant helped connect them with marketing assistance, education on retail best practices, and funding. Our consultant referred them to SCORE for marketing assistance and with CEED Lending, an initiative of the Great Lakes Women’s Business Council.

جمال بريق كامل
جينيفر هيرد ، مؤسسة Love Bigger في روتشستر هيلز ميشيغان

In 2020, Jennifer Heard started Love Bigger, an app to connect people downsizing with local charities. Heard’s consultant helped to adjust Love Bigger’s business structure, allowing Heard to apply for additional lending to begin the beta testing necessary for the app to go live. The consultant also set up a registered apprenticeship program through Michigan Works! and received a grant to help fund the program.

حب أكبر
روتشستر هيلز
سينثيا داين ، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة وصفات لسبب ما في بلدة هايلاند

When Cynthia Dane, Founder and CEO of Recipes For A Reason, was looking to sell her jars of organic vegan soup in retail shops and online, our consultant connected her with a valued Resource Partner for Oakland County who used their relationship with Whole Foods to give Dane an opportunity to present samples for consideration. Recipes For A Reason has a fully functional online store as well.

وصفات 4 سبب
هايلاند تاونشيب
Our Impact


الشركات التي تمت خدمتها منذ عام 2022


في الخدمات المجانية المقدمة
0 مليون دولار
شخصان متتاليان ، يبتسمان وينظران إلى بعضهما البعض


0 +


الشركات التي تمت خدمتها منذ عام 2022


في الخدمات المجانية المقدمة
0 مليون دولار
شخصان متتاليان ، يبتسمان وينظران إلى بعضهما البعض


0 +