نشارك في العديد من الأحداث على مستوى المقاطعة ، بما في ذلك التوقعات الاقتصادية لمقاطعة أوكلاند ، وهو حدث تواصل رائع لقادة الأعمال في مقاطعة أوكلاند.
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
In today’s digital world, social media is one of the most powerful tools for building relationships, growing your brand, and
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
Balancing the Books: Navigating Financial Aspects of Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Law Understanding and complying with Michigan’s Earned Sick Time
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
Thrive Together – Balance, Resilience, SuccessAs an entrepreneur, you pour your heart into building a business, but what about your
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A celebration of Women in Business, Entrepreneurs and business leaders gather to discuss what it takes to be successful in
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
لم يتم العثور على منشور
لم يتم العثور على منشور
Balancing the Books: Navigating Financial Aspects of Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Law Understanding and complying with Michigan’s Earned Sick Time
لم يتم العثور على منشور
In today’s digital world, social media is one of the most powerful tools for building relationships, growing your brand, and
لم يتم العثور على منشور
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A celebration of Women in Business, Entrepreneurs and business leaders gather to discuss what it takes to be successful in
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
A free, one hour, coffee-fueled, community-driven entrepreneur presentation event held weekly at 9:00am in person at Incubizo, Ferndale, MI or
تقوم Oakland Thrive بإنشاء واستضافة مجموعة متنوعة من أحداث التنمية الاقتصادية والأعمال على مستوى المقاطعة. نحن نعمل مع مجموعة متنوعة من الشركاء ، بما في ذلك مقاطعة أوكلاند لاستضافة ودعم وإنشاء أحداث لدعم مجتمع الأعمال في مقاطعة أوكلاند. تتضمن هذه الأحداث برامج مبتكرة لسد الثغرات في التنمية الاقتصادية / النظام البيئي للأعمال في المقاطعة والجمع بين مجموعات الأعمال "للتلقيح المتبادل" لتبادل أفضل الممارسات والأفكار والدعم.
نشارك في العديد من الأحداث على مستوى المقاطعة ، بما في ذلك التوقعات الاقتصادية لمقاطعة أوكلاند ، وهو حدث تواصل رائع لقادة الأعمال في مقاطعة أوكلاند.
نشارك في العديد من المؤتمرات والمعارض التجارية المحلية والولائية والوطنية والدولية. هذا العام ، تشارك Oakland Thrive في التخطيط لحفل الاستقبال الافتتاحي لاجتماعات ابتكار تكنولوجيا المركبات والنقل ، وهو منتدى دولي B2B للابتكارات في مجال السيارات والتنقل.
تساعد Oakland Thrive الشركات على التواصل مع بعضها البعض والشركاء الذين يمكنهم مساعدتهم.
Thrive Connect عبارة عن سلسلة من معارض الموارد التي تربط البائعين والموارد بمجتمع الأعمال الصغيرة. تشمل الموضوعات: -تنمية القوى العاملة -موارد الأعمال الصغيرة -أحداث التوفيق
يقدم برنامج Business Forward في Oakland Thrive مجموعة متنوعة من الدورات التدريبية المصممة خصيصا لمالك الأعمال الصغيرة في مقاطعة أوكلاند حول مواضيع محددة مثل: -التدريب على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي عقارات تجارية. -الائتمان ورأس المال -الامتياز -المقاولات الحكومية - الأعمال المعتمدة (النساء ، الأقليات ، المخضرم)
Thank you to everyone who came out to Oakland Thrive’s 2nd Annual Golf Scramble. Such a terrific success! A great big thank you to our sponsors for their support of a thriving economy in Oakland County!
Thank you to everyone who came out to Oakland Thrive’s 2nd Annual Golf Scramble. Such a terrific success! A great big thank you to our sponsors for their support of a thriving economy in Oakland County!
انضم إلى قائمة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بنا وابق على اطلاع دائم ب Oakland Thrive.
إلغاء الاشتراك في أي وقت
©2024 أوكلاند تزدهر ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة. صور من Pexels و Unsplash
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انضم إلى قائمة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بنا وابق على اطلاع دائم ب Oakland Thrive.
إلغاء الاشتراك في أي وقت
©2024 أوكلاند تزدهر ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة. صور من Pexels و Unsplash
انضم إلى قائمة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بنا وابق على اطلاع دائم ب Oakland Thrive.
إلغاء الاشتراك في أي وقت
©2024 أوكلاند تزدهر ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة. صور من Pexels و Unsplash
Oakland Thrive is working to connect businesses with the resources they need to grow.
35 شارع دبليو هورون ، جناح 201 بونتياك ، ميشيغان 48342
انضم إلى قائمة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بنا وابق على اطلاع دائم ب Oakland Thrive.
إلغاء الاشتراك في أي وقت
©2024 Oakland Thrive, all rights reserved.
Photos from Pexels and Unsplash
35 شارع دبليو هورون ، جناح 201 بونتياك ، ميشيغان 48342
انضم إلى قائمة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بنا وابق على اطلاع دائم ب Oakland Thrive.
إلغاء الاشتراك في أي وقت
©2024 أوكلاند تزدهر ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة. صور من Pexels و Unsplash